Saturday, February 22, 2014

Class Survival Tips

     Let's face it, sometimes it is hard to get through classes in college, especially the classes that you are not quite so interested in.  However, as a nearly graduating senior, I think I have mastered the art of being a student.  It has taken me 21 years, but I have done it.

1.  stay awake: bring gum, water, tea, coffee, take a nap before class...anything to keep your eyes open and mind awake in class

2.  be prepared: there is nothing worse than being called on in class and not having any answer.  Do your readings, they are important!

3.  homework: put post-it notes in your readings, highlight, write a quick paragraph about the reading, it's unreasonable to "review your notes before and after class" but it is reasonable to do these shortcuts while you are doing your work!

4.  don't yawn: it is very bad to yawn in class, that is when the professor picks on you to answer the question, read the poem out loud (true story...happened to me), or comment on the reading...see #1

5.  try hard and be honest: if you don't know the answer to a question it's ok to tell the professor that you have no idea!  They understand, admit that you had trouble instead of squirming in your seat trying to make up an answer

So, that's it for now folks just keep these in mind in the coming weeks


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