Sunday, November 20, 2011

Knitting Club

     Hi everyone, I hope you have had a great weekend.  As some of you may know, I am running the knitting club this semester (my friend who normally runs it is studying abroad in India).  I'm not a super experienced knitter, but I really enjoy teaching new members how to knit.  This year some of my wonderful suite-mates decided that they would like to knit so Taylor and I taught Megan, Marci, and Allyson how to knit scarves. 


Here are some of our members at the first knitting club meeting of the year!

     So far I have knit many, many scarves, a hat, a couple of pairs of mittens, and now I am knitting a baby blanket for MOVE.  I hope to learn how to make a sweater soon and learn some new stitches.  

Here was my first attempt at a mitten....I added the thumb later. Don't worry, they have gotten MUCH better with practice!
This was my activity at Friday Knight Dry

    Yesterday Marci, Alex, and I went on a trip to the knitting store Kaleidoscope in Essex.  It was an amazing store for knitters, full of yarn and books, tools and kits.  I was completely speechless as we entered, it was a knitter's paradise!  Here is a picture-

      Knitting Club is a great opportunity to get involved in on campus.  We have meetings frequently (don't forget to check your emails) and you can knit scarves, mittens, baby items, and hats for MOVE so they can donate the items to those in need.  I am always happy to teach a new member how to knit, so come on by!  As usual, if you have any questions at all about life on campus and at Saint Michael's (and about Knitting Club) feel free to formspring me or use my contact page at the top of my blog!


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